We’ve entered a new age of “skintellectualism” in which we are more educated about skin care products and their ingredients than ever before. For everyone who still needs a skin care 101 course, though, we’ve prepared a list of the scientifically-proven facts you need to know before you buy a new product:
1. Moisturizing is essential.
To keep your skin looking healthy and young, hydration should be your first line of defense. Just like any other part of your body, your skin needs water to remain soft and elastic. When your skin dries out, the very top layer called the strateum corneum, which is made up of dead skin cells that protect the living cells underneath, shrinks in volume and surface area. This results in cracks that make up the flaky, dry skin look we try to avoid. These cracks also expose the tender, vulnerable layers of skin below.
2. Topically applied collagen doesn’t work, you need ingredients that promote the production of collagen.
Collagen is one of the proteins responsible for the skin’s structure. Many face creams advertise containing collagen, but the collagen molecule is too big to penetrate the skin. Instead, you should look for ingredients that stimulate natural collagen production, such as plant stem cells and Vitamin C.
3. Extrinsic aging is responsible for most wrinkles and other signs of aging.
Intrinsic aging is the natural decrease in collagen and elastin production that everyone experiences as they get older. This process is slow and steady, while extrinsic aging can happen quickly from exterior factors such as smoking, sun exposure, and harsh chemicals. For this reason, avoid abrasive products or products with unfamiliar ingredients. Instead, opt for products with naturally-derived ingredients that are rich in antioxidants.
4. The dose makes the remedy.
A skin care product may have all the right ingredients, but sometimes the active ingredients’ concentration is so low that it actually isn’t active at all. Make sure your products are all clinically dosed for maximum effectiveness.
With all these facts in hand, now you too are a skintellectual!