Liquid Facelift - Sculptra

Facial fillers or dermal fillers can improve your look and offer a youthful appearance. You can use these fillers for an eyebrow lift, smooth smile lines, instant face lift, and enhanced check bones. This treatment can help to look decades younger. While going through this process, you will experience mild side effects such as redness, brushing, and swelling. These fillers can be injected in less than an hour with a little downtime.
There are different types of facial fillers. It is important to choose the right filler to maximize the benefits. In addition, your budget, personal preference, doctor’s recommendation, and your skin type will also have a role to decide the type of filler for your instant face lift.
Some popular types of facial fillers are Juvederm, Restylane, Sculptra, and Radiesse. All these types come with some specific features to meet the unique needs of the users. Juvederm is designed to be used on different areas of your face. You can use it for your chick and lip. Restylane can be used in different areas, especially for overlapping problems. You can use it for folds, wrinkles, and to add volumes to your lip. Radiesse is considered best to treat both minor and severe facial creases including nasolabial folds. You can use also Sculptra filler to fill the sunken areas of your face. This filler is designed to increase the thickness of your skin and to diminish the lines and folds. In this article, we will discuss Sculptra fillers.
What is Sculptra?
This injectable dermal filler has been around since 1999. The filler was first approved by the FDA for a medical purpose to treat lipoatrophy in HIV patients. Lipoatrophy is known for causing facial fat loss. As the result, the patients experience deep folds, sunken cheeks, and indentations on their faces. Before 2014, this filler was used to treat this condition. In 2014, FDA approved Sculptra Aesthetic to deal with other skin problems like the symptoms of aging. Now, this filler has been widely used to treat folds and wrinkles to get a younger look for a long. However, you cannot use it for your lip and eyes. The benefit of this filler is safe and FDA approved. Also, it does not contain human NDA and animal by-products. That makes it safe for most of the users.
Sculptra Aesthetic works as powerful collagen stimulator. It will offer a youthful appearance by stimulating the collagen level of users. It will enable your tissue to get more volume gradually. It has Poly-L-Lactic that will slowly dissipate as the own tissue takes the place. As the result depends on a natural method, collagen production, you will not get an immediate result. It will take around four to six months to show the result. If you are looking for an immediate result, you can consider other fillers.
Can Everyone Take this Treatment?
This treatment might not be ideal for all those who are looking solutions for aging eyes and lips. However, it is very effective for other areas on your face. If you have hollowness on your face and you are experiencing loss of skin volume due to weight loss, aging, and some other reasons, then you should think of Sculptra Aesthetic. Mostly, middle-aged people, both men, and women go for this treatment to get back their youthful appearance. You can also go for this treatment even if you are in the late twenties and late seventies. You will experience the same benefits. You will look younger than your age.
When it comes to the areas of treatment, the most focused areas are temples and sunken cheeks. Some patients have also found it useful to treat chin and jawline. It is best to reverse the signs of aging. This filler will help you to get rid of the fold and wrinkles, major signs of aging. Although Sculptra Aesthetic is considered safe, still, you should not take this treatment if you have skin allergies.
As mentioned earlier, all the facial fillers are different and have some distinct characteristics. If you are looking for a safe method to reduce wrinkles and folds, you can go with Sculptra Aesthetic. For the lip and eyes, you will have to consider Juvéderm and Restylane. All these fillers are effective to treat the signs of aging